1. Articles in category: ETSI

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    1. SPONSORED CONTENT: Overture offers NFV orchestration and control software

      Explore Software (May 2 2014)

      SPONSORED CONTENT: Overture offers NFV orchestration and control software

      Overture Networks, a carrier Ethernet infrastructure vendor, introduced new orchestration and control software that service providers can use to replace network services appliances with software delivered via network functions virtualization.

      Overture introduced its Ensemble architecture for network functions virtualization (NFV) last year.

      (Read Full Article)

      Mentions:   Overture Networks   NFV

    2. Overture Trials NFV Software With Hidden Punch

      Explore Light Reading (Apr 30 2014)

      Overture Trials NFV Software With Hidden Punch

      Overture Networks is trialing an NFV software appliance designed to make it easier for service providers to create more flexible and inexpensive alternatives to managed business services. It struck me as a respectable but ordinary product announcement ...

      (Read Full Article)

      Mentions:   IBM   Juniper   Overture Networks

    3. Infonetics: SDN, NFV enter carrier trial phase, but deployments won't happen until 2015

      Explore FierceTelecom (Apr 2 2014)

      Infonetics: SDN, NFV enter carrier trial phase, but deployments won't happen until 2015

      Software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) are clearly the talk of the town in the networking and telecom circles, but the real proof will come as service providers begin to apply these technologies in their live networks.

      (Read Full Article)

      Mentions:   NFV

    4. End-to-end NFV is Intel's goal

      Explore TelecomTV (Mar 5 2014)

      End-to-end NFV is Intel's goal

      NFV has a role across the entire network, says Daniel Rodriguez, marketing director, wireless infrastructure, Intel. Dan tells Martyn Warwick that Intel's 'Edge Cloud' strategy is designed to drive more intelligence into the access network - both small and large cell. Intel will use it to enable features such as content cacheing and edge DNS, helping to take the load off the backhaul.

      (Read Full Article)

      Mentions:   NFV

    5. Behind the Scenes at NFV#5 in Malaga

      Explore Overture (Feb 25 2014)

      Behind the Scenes at NFV#5 in Malaga

      The European industry body ETSI Industry Study Group (ISG) has been working on Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) for a year now.  That anniversary was marked by the recent NFV#5 meeting in Malaga, Spain.  Here are a few observations from the meeting.

      (Read Full Article)

      Mentions:   Overture Networks   NFV

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